Hidden Treasures: Rare Plants and Animals of Westport, Massachusetts
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Hidden Treasures: Rare Plants and Animals of Westport, Massachusetts

Westport is not only known for its scenic beauty but also for the remarkable diversity of its natural habitats. From dense woodlands to pristine salt marshes, Westport provides a haven for an array of unique and often rare plant and animal species.

Sawdy Pond’s Enigma: The Mystery of the Hidden Pirate Treasure
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Sawdy Pond’s Enigma: The Mystery of the Hidden Pirate Treasure

Hidden amongst the serene waters of Sawdy Pond, a small island conceals a secret that has piqued the curiosity of treasure hunters and adventurers for generations. This charming freshwater pond, nestled on the border of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, carries a mystery dating back to the Golden Age of Piracy.